jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Correcting a classmate's blog

Hello! Today we've been asked to correct a classmate's blog, which could be the last one he/she has written, or any other. In my case, I've corrected a blog taken from http://asirensoliloquy.blogspot.com/, written by my classmate Marcela Sáez in October 8, 2009.

She wrote:

Blog 4: A country I'd like to visit.

Hello everyone! How are you today? Are you OK? I hope so!

In today's blog I'm going to write about a country I'd like to visit. If you ask me, the country that I would love to visit is (would be) Korea.

Why? Well, I'm very interested interesting in Korean culture. Right now Now, I'm learning Korean because I really hope to travel there someday. I love Korean music, specially 'k-pop' or Korean pop, so the first thing I would do there it would be to go to a concert of one of my many favorite artists... that would be a dream come true.

Besides, I think Korean food it's really good. I've already eaten ate some of it here in Chile, but it would be great if I could eat it in its native country.

On the other hand, it would be really nice if I could talk Korean with a Korean person… to have a conversation, I hope an interesting one, in order to prove myself that I have really learned it. Can you imagine how it would be for me if a native Korean tells me that my Korean it's really good? That would be amazing!

I'd like to visit Korea one day. That would be the best experience in my life, forever ever.

Now, I will comment it:

I think that my classmate, Marcela, didn't really have many mistakes on writing this blog, and that's something very good, although she had some few errors anyway. On the other hand, the idea of the text is very well developed, it's so much easy to be understood.

In my point of view -and I can't omit that in this case I'm not completely sure-, the first mistake she did was to write "the country that I would love to visit is (would be) Korea" (I had to write "would be" between brackets; all the others corrections are crossed out). Here, she had repeated the modal verb "would" twice in the same sentence, and the most correct way to write it would have been to use "is", in simple present, instead writing "would" twice.

Her second mistake -and now I'm completely sure-, was to write "I'm very interesting in Korean culture", but the right way to express it, it had been to use past participle instead using present continuos, so she should have written: "I'm very interested in Korean culture".

Just in the following sentence, we can find the other mistake: she wrote "right now", when she should have written "now". Why? Because she wrote "Right now Now, I'm learning Korean", and "right now" means "in the moment", the right moment, and she wasn't learning that language at that moment: she was writing that blog. Instead, "now" is a word which includes a longer time.

After, in the next paragraph, she wrote "I've already ate", but the past participle of "to eat", isn't "ate", it's "eaten".

In the fifth paragraph, she wrote "if I could talk Korean with a Korean", but if I'm not wrong, she should have written "person" after repeating "Korean", because as that word was being written twice in the same sentence, and in the first case it was used as a noun and after as an adjective, perhaps it was necessary to state specifally that difference.

Finally, she wrote "That would be the best experience in my life, ever", but instead "ever" the correct word had been "forever", because she's meaning "for a limitless time".

That's all. Bye.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

My Faculty

Hello everyone. This week, I must write about my faculty. So, what could I talk about it? First than all, I must clarify that I study the career of Psychology (as, if I’m not wrong, I wrote too some weeks ago) at the Social Sciences Faculty, located in Ignacio Carrera Pinto Avenue 1045, Ñuñoa. It is part of the campus Juan Gómez Millas, belonging to the University of Chile.

Currently, it’s been much commented by almost everyone in the Faculty – and surely in the campus at all- the Bicentenary Project. I recognize that I’m not very informed about this topic, but I’ve known that it includes the building of new infrastructure –even making a new building, which would be part of my Faculty, anyway- and the entrance of the double or almost the double of new students for my carrer –and probably in the other careers it will be decided the same action-. If I haven’t misunderstood it, next year 2010 it will enter a quantity of new students of Psychology corresponding to one and half my course, and maybe using the same rooms used by us –I wonder, in which space, because the rooms aren’t so large.

There’s something that I like very much of my Faculty: the computing rooms. Anyway, unfortunately sometimes they’re full and one has to wait for someone to vacate any computer, and most of that times you have to wait a long time. By other hand, it’s been bought some new pc’s, so that problem has been ordinarily resolved. That happens when there are classes in some of the rooms. However, as I’ve said, that’s something that is being resolved.

Maybe I could go on talking many more things about my Faculty, but I finish now. Bye!

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

Greece: a country I'd like to visit

About the topic of today, I must really recognize that there are many countries I’d feel so much delighted to travel to (England, Egypt, Spain, etc.), but the country I’d love to visit is, definitively, Greece. I’ve always been very interested in visiting that country (and it’s a dream that I know I’ll ever carry out), mainly because I’ve always admired the Greek culture –the “classical” and “historical” one, which appears in the encyclopedias- , having the chance to contemplate the Acropolis, the Parthenon and many others monuments and vestiges of it. Also, its Mediterranean climate is very enjoyable, it’s so nice, and above all if you go to the Greek islands, you’ll realize of what I’m saying.
I’ve never met any Greek person, but according to some TV reports, newspapers, etc., they seem to be kind, relaxed and open-minded, so this is another reason why traveling there would be unforgettable at all.
If I were in Athens, surely as soon as I get to the hotel (or any place where I stay), I’d leave my suitcase in there, and I would go out to tour all the museums, historical places, even the Olympic Stadium too, that is, all over the city. And of course, after doing that I’d go to Olympia, for example, and other cities too, and when I have done all of that, maybe I also visit another country.