lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)


This year, as I’ve surely told before, I’ve been in my first year of Psychology. Before anything, I should say that this year has been a very good one anyway, though it’s been more difficult than what I’d thought, definitively. Before entering the University, I used to have many doubts, of course, added to the normal expectation anyone has in such a situation. At the beginning, I was even afraid because I wasn’t making friends as fast as I’d proposed myself, but I didn’t know that it wouldn’t be hard at all. In fact, I feel this year I’ve learnt to see the life in a different way, and I invite you to search for more.


When the classes started, they didn’t seem to be as difficult as after they’d be, but if I’m specific, last semester Social History of Chile was the subject which makes me look that semester as a difficult one, because the other subjects weren’t really so demanding. In that subject, we were asked to review (or read) six-seven books per test! An incredible abuse. Thanks to God, I obtained an excellent average of 5.5 in History, and in the other subjects my academic performance wasn’t so different.
This second semester that I’m finishing has even meant to me (and my classmates) a greater challenge than before. On the one hand, I’ve had more “psychological” subjects (Learning, Personality and Psychological Processes), and all of them have inquired me new skills, new time organizations and new studying methods, so maybe I’m grown up: I’m more mature. I’ve realized –more this semester than the last one- that Psychology is a science which can make me feel completely satisfied with myself if I achieve my goals in the future: to progress in the Clinical (or Social) Psychology, apart from the Researches, and I feel the knowledge and attitudes I’m obtaining can really help me to get them.


In 2009, Psychology has been maybe the word I’ve thought the most, not only because that’s the career I’m studying, but because I’ve discovered that’s my vocation. In fact, I project my life, on the one hand, attending people, activity which supposes the creation and development of the best intervention strategies; on the other hand, as I’m also interested in researching and studying the human behavior, I plan to carry out several investigations for discovering more and more about what makes us “humans”, but always oriented to help people be better, overcome their traumas, etc. Perhaps those are very “humanistic” goals, but I don’t care. And the knowledge I’m obtaining are the structure in which I’m cementing my wishes and wills.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Next Elections

Presidential Elections is something that’s always been very interesting to me, and opposite to definitively most of young people who are as old as me, Politics it’s something which I’ve always been so much interested in. I’m eighteen years old, and last winter vacations I inscribed myself in the Election Register: I’ll vote in next elections.
I think that the election campaign is something very funny, though I don’t omit it’s used as a joke – I mean the candidates use it to make many promises (and it’s usually commented too), and to promote their selves, but more as a way to achieve the power than to listen genuinely people’s real needs. In spite of that, it can serve (I suppose) to think about what one expects from a President, what a better country can be like, etc.
In that same way, I think in this Elections 2009 there’s not a candidate which can convince me completely. Anyway, I’ve already decided who I’ll vote for: Marco Enriquez-Ominami. Why? Because he’s a young man, someone new in the politic, who although doesn’t have much experience, has good ideas a “new winds”, and for me, he’s someone who’s absolutely opposite to the stagnant and grown stale politic that’s hegemonic in our loved country nowadays, and he’s definitively closer than any other candidate to represent something like a “change”; and I really want a change (though I’ve liked President Bachelet’s government).
Finally, I’d like to add that though I like Politics and I love to talk about it, I won’t be a politician in the future: maybe I don’t have the needed skills, but I don’t care. Bye.

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Relationships: Would you date a narcissist?

In this very interesting –and maybe innovator- article, taken from, titled “Relationships: Would you date a narcissist?”, we can see how the typical prototype of the narcissist person is questioned, so defended and even promoted to the reader as an effective way for getting better mental health.
Of score, the author isn’t referring to the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), which as himself explains, is the extreme when the person isn’t capable to make and mantain close relationships, because they use people just for achieving their own ambitions, lacking empathy and being very self-involved.
Instead, to be narcissist in a mild extent, in a “normal” way, is advisable at all; in fact, it’s “natural”: everyone loves himself. In that sense, according to a research of the University of Texas, narcissits people were found more extrovert and less likely to be depressed, being often pretty resilient, because they believe they can cope with whatever life throws at them: they feel important and capable.
I’ve already said to be narcissist in a normal way is natural and that’s right. In the same way, one usually tends to say and to believe that the other people are narcissist, and even though we recogmize we are a little narcissist, we think those features aren’t so evidents. As it appers in the article, that’s just one way of narcissism.
Against all odds, in this article it’s asserted the narcissism has plenty of advantadges in the relationships, if the person manages to improve his defect (let’s remember that to be narcissit is, above all, a psychic defensive mechanism that, in its precise measure, can be very functional): "If they can connect, stay in a relationship and be committed, they have a much better outcome”.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Correcting a classmate's blog

Hello! Today we've been asked to correct a classmate's blog, which could be the last one he/she has written, or any other. In my case, I've corrected a blog taken from, written by my classmate Marcela Sáez in October 8, 2009.

She wrote:

Blog 4: A country I'd like to visit.

Hello everyone! How are you today? Are you OK? I hope so!

In today's blog I'm going to write about a country I'd like to visit. If you ask me, the country that I would love to visit is (would be) Korea.

Why? Well, I'm very interested interesting in Korean culture. Right now Now, I'm learning Korean because I really hope to travel there someday. I love Korean music, specially 'k-pop' or Korean pop, so the first thing I would do there it would be to go to a concert of one of my many favorite artists... that would be a dream come true.

Besides, I think Korean food it's really good. I've already eaten ate some of it here in Chile, but it would be great if I could eat it in its native country.

On the other hand, it would be really nice if I could talk Korean with a Korean person… to have a conversation, I hope an interesting one, in order to prove myself that I have really learned it. Can you imagine how it would be for me if a native Korean tells me that my Korean it's really good? That would be amazing!

I'd like to visit Korea one day. That would be the best experience in my life, forever ever.

Now, I will comment it:

I think that my classmate, Marcela, didn't really have many mistakes on writing this blog, and that's something very good, although she had some few errors anyway. On the other hand, the idea of the text is very well developed, it's so much easy to be understood.

In my point of view -and I can't omit that in this case I'm not completely sure-, the first mistake she did was to write "the country that I would love to visit is (would be) Korea" (I had to write "would be" between brackets; all the others corrections are crossed out). Here, she had repeated the modal verb "would" twice in the same sentence, and the most correct way to write it would have been to use "is", in simple present, instead writing "would" twice.

Her second mistake -and now I'm completely sure-, was to write "I'm very interesting in Korean culture", but the right way to express it, it had been to use past participle instead using present continuos, so she should have written: "I'm very interested in Korean culture".

Just in the following sentence, we can find the other mistake: she wrote "right now", when she should have written "now". Why? Because she wrote "Right now Now, I'm learning Korean", and "right now" means "in the moment", the right moment, and she wasn't learning that language at that moment: she was writing that blog. Instead, "now" is a word which includes a longer time.

After, in the next paragraph, she wrote "I've already ate", but the past participle of "to eat", isn't "ate", it's "eaten".

In the fifth paragraph, she wrote "if I could talk Korean with a Korean", but if I'm not wrong, she should have written "person" after repeating "Korean", because as that word was being written twice in the same sentence, and in the first case it was used as a noun and after as an adjective, perhaps it was necessary to state specifally that difference.

Finally, she wrote "That would be the best experience in my life, ever", but instead "ever" the correct word had been "forever", because she's meaning "for a limitless time".

That's all. Bye.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

My Faculty

Hello everyone. This week, I must write about my faculty. So, what could I talk about it? First than all, I must clarify that I study the career of Psychology (as, if I’m not wrong, I wrote too some weeks ago) at the Social Sciences Faculty, located in Ignacio Carrera Pinto Avenue 1045, Ñuñoa. It is part of the campus Juan Gómez Millas, belonging to the University of Chile.

Currently, it’s been much commented by almost everyone in the Faculty – and surely in the campus at all- the Bicentenary Project. I recognize that I’m not very informed about this topic, but I’ve known that it includes the building of new infrastructure –even making a new building, which would be part of my Faculty, anyway- and the entrance of the double or almost the double of new students for my carrer –and probably in the other careers it will be decided the same action-. If I haven’t misunderstood it, next year 2010 it will enter a quantity of new students of Psychology corresponding to one and half my course, and maybe using the same rooms used by us –I wonder, in which space, because the rooms aren’t so large.

There’s something that I like very much of my Faculty: the computing rooms. Anyway, unfortunately sometimes they’re full and one has to wait for someone to vacate any computer, and most of that times you have to wait a long time. By other hand, it’s been bought some new pc’s, so that problem has been ordinarily resolved. That happens when there are classes in some of the rooms. However, as I’ve said, that’s something that is being resolved.

Maybe I could go on talking many more things about my Faculty, but I finish now. Bye!

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

Greece: a country I'd like to visit

About the topic of today, I must really recognize that there are many countries I’d feel so much delighted to travel to (England, Egypt, Spain, etc.), but the country I’d love to visit is, definitively, Greece. I’ve always been very interested in visiting that country (and it’s a dream that I know I’ll ever carry out), mainly because I’ve always admired the Greek culture –the “classical” and “historical” one, which appears in the encyclopedias- , having the chance to contemplate the Acropolis, the Parthenon and many others monuments and vestiges of it. Also, its Mediterranean climate is very enjoyable, it’s so nice, and above all if you go to the Greek islands, you’ll realize of what I’m saying.
I’ve never met any Greek person, but according to some TV reports, newspapers, etc., they seem to be kind, relaxed and open-minded, so this is another reason why traveling there would be unforgettable at all.
If I were in Athens, surely as soon as I get to the hotel (or any place where I stay), I’d leave my suitcase in there, and I would go out to tour all the museums, historical places, even the Olympic Stadium too, that is, all over the city. And of course, after doing that I’d go to Olympia, for example, and other cities too, and when I have done all of that, maybe I also visit another country.

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

"Gross National Happiness and Psychological Well-being", taken from

“Gross National Happiness” is a Bhutan Government plan that evaluates the country progress not considering the gross enhancement, supposing that earning more money will make people happier –in the whole sense of the word-, but according to the Psychological Well-being that people have in their lives. So, they propose to replace “Gross National Product” for “Gross National Happiness”, as a real, effective and representative way for making public policies, and making a better country.
To achieve this objective, they’ve made many researches in Bhutan people, assisted for Harvard and other universities researchers, obtaining results as the next ones I’ll comment:
- “Social support available when having problems”: This indicator evaluates the grade by which people, when have any kind of problematic situations -so they feel sad, worried and eager, and because of that they need a person near to help them-, they feel these person (or those people) are there. In this graph, most of those polled declared to feel social support available “some of the time” (57, 86%), meanwhile almost one third (30, 89%) of the sample said to feel it “most of the time (the happiest or even healthiest people, and just an 11, 25% of the polled ones answered “none of the time".
“Frustration”: This variable describes when people feel unable to reach the goal they’ve proposed their selves and for which they’ve made an effort. In this case, surprisingly a 40 % of the polled ones said they “never” felt frustrated (almost half of the sample), and just a 5% answered to feel frustrated “often”. On the other hand, most of people admitted to have feelings of frustration “sometimes” (56%).

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Article: "My mother doesn't seem to believe that my brother sexually abused me"

Taken from

In this article, we're talked about a real -and absolutely terrible- case in which a woman, who's now about to have her first friend, was sexual abused by his older brother seven years ago, and to make it worst, she was also abused by her father. She hasn't wanted to tell us her name for protecting her privacy. When 7 years ago, her father died, she told her mather what her dad did her, but hid her mother the truth about her brother. In that time, the mather became very upset and did not react very well. Now, as she's married, she's got the courage to tell her mother her most terrible secret, but she -the mother- didn't react as the daughter expected, and constantly asks her about dates, etc., in a process in which she's had to remember again her trauma, something very distressing obviusly, and insulting too. Although she understands her mother's position, she feels too bad, and doesn't now where it is going to finish.
This singular and horrible case is too much interesting to me, because gets me close to the Clinical Psychology -the Psychology area which I'm interested in the most-, and allows me think about the strategies to help this woman, thinking of those people's special characteristics that have made the events to happen. The main reason why I chose the career of Psychology was my aspiration to use these knowledge as a tool for helping people, to understand and to explain people's behaviors -and strange behaviors-, and surely when I work in a Clinic I'll see some cases like which I've told about here.

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Starting the second semester.

Hello! So, at the beginning of this new semester –the shortest of the year- we’re asked about what topics we’d like to write about, and I don’t really know what to answer, because I’ve got many. Last semester, we had to write –and discuss- about: “who’s your best friend?”, “why did you choose your career?”, “the best in my area”, and “my favourite subject”, etc.; the commonest matters were already written by me and my classmates in the 3rd level. Anyway, I’d love to go into some of them in depth, for example “your ideal job”, because personally when I wrote about it I’d been just 2 months in the University, and now that I finished the first semester and 1 month of the 2nd one, I’m able to talk about that in a better way.
However, of course, I’d like to propose some topics, so we analyse and discuss them, such as: “what would you change to the University?”, “if you were President of Chile, what would you do?”, “what would you buy with 1 million of dollars?”, “which country would you like to know?”, “will you make a postgraduate?”, “what do you think about Transantiago?”, “would you like to make some investigations after graduated?” , and “your ideal world”, etc. So, definitively, there are many topics we might write about, and I hope so we’ll analyse some of the topics I suggested. Bye!

lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

My ideal job, in the Psychology field, it would be to help people overcome their traumas, it can be either working in a clinic or in a "field working", though this last one might mean to approach to the Social Psychology (not just the Clinical one),and helping people that feels to have fallen into the deepest hole, to go out from there so they can find the way to sort every damaging relationship out they've hade and made.

What qualities and skills are needed for this job? Well, I'd really need to be an open-minded person, an analytic skill and the willingness for listening people problems. And, of course, an authentic wish to improve this world, by making people's lives better.
I think I'd really be good at this job, because I usually think of the ways by which living together problems may be solved, and I'd love to be able for, some day, making a big national -and why not- or worldwide change, so it decreases the lots of suffering people (so they realize the clue is in them!).

At least, finding this job isn't really supposed to be difficult, or maybe a little, because the field of the Clinical Psychology is a bit full, but anyway I'm expecting I will in the future, because I'm sure I'll be capable.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject -and it's not really strange at all- is (General) Psychology, which it's taught by Mr. Wilson.
Why do I like it? Well..., aswering this question it's not so difficult, if that's the career I chose. Anyway, my another subjects are very interesting too (some more than others): Antropology, Psicobiology, etc., but none so much like the first one I said. But what makes Psychology better than the other subjects is the analysis that we make in people, understanding how complex people are, the reasons that might explain their behaviors, and many interesting things, and also the teacher makes a very funny class, in which we can talk about what we're studying, and he's always willing to clear our doubts up.
This semester, we've really learnt too many things, about the following topics: psychological currents, psychological investigation, the human vital cycle development, emotions, etc.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

So, about the video “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”, in which Sir Ken Robinson talks us about how children’s creativity is killed by the schools (and the society at all), I just can say that I completely agree with him.
I think it's really true the fact that some children (maybe it'd be better to say "many"), who are really able, creative and smart people, are rejected because their intelligence way is not the "standard" or the "winners" one, above all by their school - but more sadly by their own parents-, and anyway by the society, because this is a system problem. In that way, many children (and after teenagers and adults), who might be amazing actors and actress, dancers, singers, composers, sculptors, painters; in short, all the ways by which someone can become an artist, finally can't carry their real vocations out because that's not "allowed" or "correct", and not "profitable" either. And after, when they must choose the career they'll study, they're said "you have to study Comercial Enginnering, Laws, Medicine, etc.", and not Theatre, Dancing, etc. But I really think those activities uplift the soul.
At least, it was a fantastic presentation.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Future

This a topic in which I really think oftenly. In 5 years from today (2014), I'll be recently graduated of Psychology, and I'll have made that last year (2013) my professional practice, so I hope to be working, according with the area in which I'll especialize. Now, I don't know yet which area to choose, but probably I'll select between Clinical or Industrial Psychology, and because of that surely I'll be working in an hospital/psychological center or in an enterprise, but having always as main personal goal to help people for making their life quality better, because that's why I'm studying this career.
Anyway, I want to continue postgraduate studies, becaming, as time spend (why not) even a Doctor in Psychology. Well, as it's a long time until that might happen, I'll say that in 5 years in the future I want to have a very pretty girlfriend -not more than that, I'll be quite young to get marry-, and I'll be living in my current house, but plannig to buy my own car, and I won't lose the contact with my new and old friends. All that will defintively make me happy enough.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

The best in my area

In the area of the Psychology, the main exponent is definitively Sigmund Freud, though in the history there have been many important investigators in this area.Anyway, he's the person who I associate Psychology the most, because I just started studying it 2 months ago.
Freud did, in his entire life, too many things.Graduated in Medicine, as time passed he interested in people's behaviour and its causes, designating "unconsciousness" the part of our brain that is in charge of the process that are not controlled on our own, even pychological traumas, being the explanation to many behaviours that maybe we don't realize we have, because they're very assimilated by ourselves. Freud is considered the "Father" of the Psychology, and founded a psychological current called as "Psychodynamic".
I chose him, at first, because he's the main referent of Psychology -understanding I just started studying it and I haven't known so many exponents of this area-, but also because before starting to study this year, I used to look for information about him, and even I bought a book that he wrote: "The Interpretation of the Dreams", because he also investigated the dreams, and that's something I've always been interested in. Anyway, I've always thought there is a zone in our brain that contains all those experiences that model our behaviour, and investigating what is the conciousness made by is something very interesting to me; finally, I've felt identified with him.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

My Career

This year I started studying Psichology, at the University of Chile.
Why did I choose it? So, I've always liked examining how people are, the way by which they feel, and knowing how to help people to feel well. It's true that I was very confused about which career to study, and maybe 2 years ago I hadn't thought I'd select this one -my other preferences were Laws, Politic Sciences, History or some Pedagogy-, but I feel thay anyway this has been the right decision.
The best about it is that you are able for understanding people, and so you can realize what is really going on, the way by which the problem can be solved, and to help people to enjoy their lives. In a few words, you make them happier.
The worst about it is, according to my viewpoint, when sometimes the problem someone has is so difficult and you don't know what to say him, or your own emotions and feelings make you quite sensitive. Also, Psichology is a bit complicated and you must study too much.
At last, my expectations in the future is to love my profession, to have a job in which I feel completely great, realizing how people can be really happier, because of my help.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Commenting a photograph

Mmm... I don't know which picture to comment, but surely which I like the most, is one that was taken on 1995, I think so, when my brother and me were huging my granny - my mum's mother-, who was like our second mother, but sadly died on 2003. Of score, to remember this photo makes feel so happy, because it's about when we were very small and everything seems to be a game, when the esence of the life could be a joke, and my sweet granny always took care of us.
Though I was very small, I feel I can remember the exact moment when this picture was taken. Definitively it wasn't on weekend, because my grandpa and uncle weren't there (were working), and it was on the afternoon, we were going to take a nap and, watching the photograph, I can realize -this thing I don't remember- that it was winter and it was very cold, because we were too wrapped-up. To finish, I'd like to say this is the photo in which my granny looks so much happier than any other. And so did we.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

My most precious possession

So, this is a question that I've never made to myself, because I've always appreciated more people, experiences and feelings than material things but, thinking it well, I realize that I really have a most precious possession.
This thing is a copybook (whose cover contains a photo of Colo Colo football team), in which last year I used to write many things, specially poems, and they were about all my thoughts that corresponded just to my most private feelings and emotions. There were many things I might not say to everyone, but in this copybook I wrote many papers about all of that.
For example, sometimes -and I dare to recognize it-, I felt a bit sad or confused, in many stranges ways, and I expressed this world of mine on that poems. Also, when I was in love with a girl, apart from talking to her, secretly I wrote again too.
I didn't write only because a "need" motivated me to do it, if not that I loved doing it and writing, poems or anything, has always been one of my prefered hobbies.
In fact, the quality of my poems is very good, and it's not just because I think it, but another people of my private confidence has told me that too.
Actually, I go on writing on my copybook sometimes, and not only poems, but not as often as before, though I'm sure that if I have time and the motivation to do it -and this last one isn't so difficult- I won't hesitate to write again in my most precious possesion: my copybook.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

My last vacation

My last vacations should have been last summer, but I didn't really have it, because as last year I finished High School, and this was a Politechical one, in which I studied Administration, between December 29th, 2008 and March 13th, 2009 I had to make my practice for obtaining my certification. That's mainly why last summer was really no vacation for me, and this, definitely, made me a bit sad, and even a bit confused, because on the one hand I wanted to complete this stage of my life, but on the other I wanted to leave and to go to the beach, for example, or resting or just sleeping more than what I did between march and december, and what was worst, I disliked what I worked in.
Anyway, on weekends, I could travel to the beach, to my grandparent's house in Cartagena (my dad's parents). I left the heat of Santiago on friday, happily taken by one of my uncles on car, and I enjoyed of pure air and sea breeze, and also sharing with my cousins and dad over all until sunday, when I came back.
What I liked the most of my "vacations" was, absolutely, my birthday party. In fact, my birthday is on February 8th, but I celebrated it on Saturday 21st, because I couldn't make it before ( in effect, I had no money). I had assumed that most of my friends would came, but I was wrong, because as I live away from them (at least they told me that was the reason why), and many of them were out of Santiago, there were not many of them. Anyway, in my party we were seventeen, though like 5 were cousins of mine. It seems that next summer I'll make my party on march as better.
So, that's almost everything what my "vacations" were like. It doesn't matter, because next will be anyway better!!

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

"My best friend"

So, now I have to tell who's my best friend, and this is something that's not so easy, because I don't think of this so oftenly, but as I ought to, I'll answer. My best friend is called Alexis del Pino, we met on march 2006, at High School, when we started Second Year and he entered to my grade from another High School.

At first, of course, we didn't talk so much, but as time went by he started meeting with my friends group, over all because with them I used to talk about football, tennis or another sports, and that was definitively his favourite topic, and finally I talked with him so much more than to the other guys.

Trusting in him was almost never a difficulty. One year after (in Third) he was already my best friend and, for example. when he wanted to conquer a girl, or I did, we helped each other. In fact, once or twice we loved the same girl, but in that case we didn't use to advise us. Anyway, I had another friends too, and as close as him, but he was who I told to many secrets and who with I made almost all the homeworks we were ordered. Sometimes he went to my house, over all to make some homeworks, and we loved playing "Winning Eleven" in the Play Station, even today we love it yet. I always joked him because he liked University of Chile football team, and I liked Colo Colo, and as almost ever Colo Colo won the classics, I took advantage of it to bother him...

Today, we see us or call us sometimes, and we still advise us when someone needs it. Because of all of this, he's my best friend.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

"At first, an introduction..."

So, I'd really like you to know who I am, though maybe I wouldn't know how...
My name is Marco Méndez, I'm 18 years old, I live in San Bernardo and I study Psychology at the University of Chile. I have a "normal" complexion", my eyes color is dark brown, and my hair color is black.
I love sharing with my friends, talking about some interesting topic, reading (just when I have time, it is, now I couldn't), playing table tennis, listening to music, etc.
My favorite TV programme is The Simpsons, but I don't really watch TV so oftenly, just when I eat something (dinner, for example) or there is a football o tennis match.
As I said, I love listening to music, mainly musical groups or singers like: Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, La Oreja de Van Gogh, and also other like: My Chemical Romance, Simply Red, and others.
Now I'm starting my University life, and I really hope it'll be great, though I'm feeling that it won't be so easy... Anyway, I'm gonna try my best.
So, by now, that's all I have to say, but surely I'll write something here again.
Bye and see ya!!